Zoom North a Success
The Ottawa Date Squares hosted their first (and hopefully last) Zoom North to the Capital virtual fly-in and it was a smashing success! Check it out.
Zoom North to the Capital
More details, including the theme, have been announced for Zoom North virtual fly-in on September 19.
25th Anniversary
Yes indeed, it was in 1995 that the Ottawa Date Squares first started dancing and it’s been a long and interesting journey from our humble beginnings to today. The club’s history includes some pretty amazing events including being the only square dance club to ever dance on the floor of the house of commons, being […]
Early Bird Price Ending
The early-bird pricing will be ending on March 1 so you only have a few short weeks to register for Veer North 2020 for the really low price of $95. This price includes a sumptuous buffet brunch at the famous Tucker’s Marketplace, a home-cooked (by our very own club members) potluck supper upon your arrival and 15+ […]
Our New Logo
The Ottawa Date Squares recently benefited from two dancers that moved here from Toronto Triangle Squares and one of them, Pat, is a graphic designer. He agreed to design a logo for our fly-in and the product of his endeavours is an outstanding logo. We think you’ll all agree so be sure thank Pat for […]